Let’s Move….Pets Move!

One of our Featured Bloggers for K9 Kamp last session was Steve Pelletier. Many of you probably know Steve and Slimdoggy Jack. They’re very active, promoting health and fitness for your dogs, and very helpful and kind too. They do a bang-up job over at...

Last Stop on the Fun and Furry Blog Tour!

Today is the last stop on the Fun and Furry, Fit and Healthy Blog Tour. We had a lot of fun visiting around, and answered some great questions and met a lot of new friends. Today we are thrilled to wrap up our tour with a visit to Fidose of Reality, a canine-centric...

Blog Tour Stop #4– Heart Like a Dog

Jodi, Sampson and Delilah are hosting us on our tour today over at Heart Like a Dog. This is a blog where you will always leave feeling like you’ve just had an interesting chat with a friend (while two dogs are lounging at your feet.) So please do stop by....

FitDog Friday- Sneak Peek

I couldn’t think of a better place to share a sneak peek at my new book cover, than with my friends here on FitDog Friday! Ever since I wrote Dieting with my Dog, people have been asking me for more practical tips and how-to’s for losing weight and getting...