31 Days to a Healthier Lifestyle

I love focusing on positive approaches to pet care, especially when it comes to pet weight loss. From Show us Your Dog’s Waist, to Slimdoggy App, I’ve recently written about ways to help your pet get fit. And now, here’s another. Spring Naturals...

Mobile App Helps Dogs Get Fit and Healthy

Steve and Jack. Look at Jack now!  When Steve Pelletier adopted his 7- year-old yellow lab, Jack, the dog weighed 105 lbs. and was on Prozac (for anxiety and hyperactivity) and Rimadyl (pain reliever, often for arthritis). Jack was considered unadoptable-...

Girlish figure and manly physique

Alert friend Jackie at Pooch Smooches alerted me to this great blog hop over at Dawg Business: Show off Your Dog’s Waistline Campaign. Well I just had to join in!  Pet Obesity is a subject I’ve blogged about often and it’s receiving a great deal...

Wednesday Pet Roundup– Driving Dogs

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly is modeling her Christmas cape. Do you think she’s ready for some snow? We may not have snow, but here are this week’s links! * What would you do to convince people that rescue dogs make great pets? Would...

10 Tips on Ntl Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Hmmm what looks good? Today is the sixth annual National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. It’s a great day to take a look at your pet and evaluate his weight.   The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that more than half of U.S. dogs and cats are...