by Peggy | Jun 13, 2012 |
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Here’s a new picture of Kelly and Brooks. They’re starting to get along better. I’d say they look pretty happy here, don’t you? Today we’re posting happy links: * A cool pet is a happy pet. Tips...
by Peggy | Dec 14, 2011 |
Photo courtesy of AP Question: How many toes does the average cat have? Answer: 18 Question: How many toes does Daniel the orange and white tabby from Milwaukee have? Answer: 26 Find out how Daniel the cat with 26 toes is helping the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center! *...
by Peggy | Sep 28, 2011 |
Kelly chases after a tennis ball. Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! * This AMAZING story had me bawling…but don’t worry, it gets happy. Harper the deformed puppy found in the trash heals because of LOVE! According to TODAY online, the...