Love a pet? Share that love!

Yesterday afternoon my husband and I were in the car and turned the corner to see a frisky Shepherd-mix puppy galloping through a 4-way intersection, pursued by a woman, a man and at least 3 kids. The dog romped back and forth across the busy road, ears flapping,...

Pet Roundup

Welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!*What about the horses? Thought-provoking article on Pet Connection. If you care about horses, you’ll want to read this.*Some airlines allow small cats and dogs to travel in crates under the passengers’ feet. This is good news...

Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!*Technology is constantly surprising me. PC World reports on a New iphone app that “translates” your dogs barks and then “tweets them out to the world”! Right now my dog would be tweeting zzzzzzz.* More...

Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday’s Pet Roundup.* Remember the days of a poster on the telephone pole to help locate a lost pet? Now, technology comes to the rescue with microchips, GPS devices, and even web-based social sites.*Doctor, heal thyself. But if you are a...

Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!Nothing better than good news, and I love these tearjerker stories from USA Today. Read about the rescue of deserving pets such as Choo Choo the Boxer, who had been ruthlessly abandoned tied to the train tracks, and a Basset Hound...