Does your pet do costumes?

Howl-oween is almost here, and the big question is: does your pet wear a costume, or not? ** Pet costume photos from Costume Craze.After years of struggling with my infant daughter to stop ripping off her bonnet (Can you believe I made a child wear bonnets? What was I...

Monday Rufferences and Resources

Thanks for coming back to another Monday Rufferences and Resources.So it’s September, back to school time for the kids and even some moms and dads. Now ol’ Bowser or playful Casey’s schedule is in for some changes too. After a summer of having family...

Monday Rufferences & Resources

Welcome to Monday Rufferences and Resources, a round-up of pet news and tips this week.My daughter Kate brought this to my attention, and I must admit I’m having fun feeding and watching Googley, my new pet “hamster.” Try out this fun new google...

Flying With Your Pet

The thought of flying with a dog or cat in the cargo area of a plane frightens me. Pets are not luggage. Although experts say the incidence of pet dying while traveling on airlines is rare, I would imagine it’s stressful and scary at the least. And, what if you and...

Reality Check for Pet Owners

I recently read an article on Wisebread that had me laughing and nodding in agreement: 10 Hidden Costs and Rules of Pet Ownership by Frugal Dutchess. Please go to the site and check it out, including the 10 Adorable Photos of Pets. I’m not quite sure about the...