Grow, Zeke, Grow!

My granddog, Zeke is now four months old!  Watch him grow. 5 weeks old 8 weeks old, the day we picked him up. 9 weeks old 10 weeks old 11 weeks old 12 weeks old 13 weeks old 14 weeks old 15 weeks old 16 weeks old I think he’s going to be big! What do you...

Here Comes the Fun Police

Kelly is the fun police. She watches Ike and Zeke playing and decides when they’ve had too much fun and steps in to break things up. She usually finds a comfy spot away from all the action. Ike and Zeke are very rough in their play. If either Ike or Zeke yelp or...

How to Bring Home a Puppy

What’s yellow and furry and cute all over? Zeke! Welcome to my adventures babysitting a new puppy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a puppy in my house–I’ve been adopting senior dogs. They’re more my speed! But my son, who live...

From Puppy to Senior- Yellow Lab

Wordless Wednesday-   Puppy to Senior Yellow Lab   Want more positive pet tips, good news, and special offers? Fetch my free newsletter, Pawsitively Pets. Kelly and Ike hope to see you there! 

What’s My Puppy?

After the recent success of the very fun Magical Mystery Mutt Tour blog hop, co-hosted by me, Will My Dog Hate Me, and I Still Want More Puppies, I realize that many people enjoy playing Guess That Dog Breed. So you may also enjoy this new website, What’s My...