Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup! The model today is my daughter’s cat, Cinnamon, playing with some new toys.* Election season is upon us. Maybe we should consider this way to vote: According to the AP, the Washington (DC) Humane Society held an election...

Write a Blog Post, Feed a Shelter Pet

Things We Can Do to Help Shelter Pets:1. Adopt pets from shelters or rescue groups. Give a homeless pet a chance.2. Support shelters by donating your time, resources, food, blankets.3. Blog about Pedigree’s Adoption Drive.Kelly is a rescue dog and I’m...

A Dog’s Purpose Book Giveaway Contest

Here’s what I hear about the new bestseller, A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron:1. The book is a heartwarming dog’s-eye view of the world.2. What’s really cool is that the author helps spread the word about critical issues in animal rescue...

Tail-Wagging Adoption Tour and Susan Sims, Part 2

Wednesday I introduced you to Susan Sims, publisher of FIDO Friendly magazine and founder of Get Your Licks on Route 66 mobile pet adoption tour. Today we continue our interview, find out what Junior is up to, and learn more about some of the heartwarming adoptions...

Tail-Wagging Adoption Tour and Susan Sims, Part 1

If you’re like me, you’d take in every sweet, adorable, pleading homeless pet and give them the love and care they deserve…if you could. The next best thing, however, is promoting pet adoption all across the country.What is it? Get Your Licks on...