We Love Treats!

Treats in the mail! Yippee!Kelly and I want to give a big BOL Thank You to St. Louis Senior Dog Project for sending us these goodies! We recently won a contest, and couldn’t be more delighted when our prize arrived. I got an awesome navy t-shirt and Kelly got...

Meet Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog

For Firefighter Dayna Hilton, the biggest blessing is knowing that Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog saves lives.Dayna is serving her 10th year as firefighter with Johnson County RFD #1 of Clarksville Arkansas. She loves her job, but what she loves most is educating...

Hero Dogs and Soldiers

In an ultimate act of devotion, Rufus bit the Taliban terrorist on the leg.CBS News reports that Rufus and two other stray dogs thwarted a surprise attack by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan last February. Sgt. Chris Duke vows that the dogs saved his life, and those of...

Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!* Rachel Baum from Bark: Confessions of a Dog Trainer shares how pet parents often anthropomorphize their pets. I can relate! Isn’t Kelly really feeling sad when I leave her home alone? Or hungry when she sees me eating a...