FitDog Friday Mini Challenge and Slimdoggy

This month we’re participating in the first Keeping up with K9 Kamp mini challenge, hosted by Chester and Gretel at YDWWYW. The challenge was to determine if we were feeding our dog the right amount of food. Kelly checks out the fridge for something good!  ...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Look Where we See Fit Dogs!

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup, K9 Kamp Edition. Look where we found dogs getting fit: * Dog in the Gym: Here’s a great exercise you can do along with your dog, from K9Kamp Official Trainers, K9 Fit Club! Diana Ozimek and Zeus * Dog in the Kayak- Honey...

FitDog Friday and Park Day

Who’s up for a little fun? Maybe a game of fetch, or tag? Or just a grand ol’ romp in the grass. Since the weather is starting to get nicer, it’s a great time to take your pal to the park and take a hike, a run, or just play together. This is the...

FitDog Friday- How to Get More out of Your Walks Together

Raise the Roof for FitDog Friday! A blog hop for sharing news, tips and personal experiences on the topic of pet obesity and fitness, and ways you get active with your dog, co-hosted by Peggy’s Pet Place and Slimdoggy. We started this blog hop because we want to...

First FitDog Friday Blog Hop is Tomorrow!

It’s almost here! Tomorrow’s the day- our first FitDog Friday Blog Hop, co-hosted with Slimdoggy. And we’d LOVE it if you’d join! How To Join FitDog Friday Blog Hop (this Friday and any/or every Friday!) 1.) Grab the badge Paste the code from...