Wednesday Pet Roundup- Springing along

Hi and welcome to Wednesday pet Roundup! I hope your day is as relaxing as Kelly’s and Brooks’s! * Does your dog receive enough exercise? My SA San Antonio article says that letting your dog out in the yard may not be enough.  * What do Krypto, Astro,...

Wednesday Pet Roundup -the best for you this week

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and Brooks are waiting for you to come give them a hug! * Tip for parents: Realize that puppies and babies don’t “grow up together.” Hire a Nanny blog shares an article, How to Choose a Kid-Friendly...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Love love love

Hi and Welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. I’m posting about love each weekday this month until Valentine’s Day. For our roundup today, I’m bringing you links from the great site Buzzfeed, all of which certainly say LOVE! * 30 pictures of Dogs who can...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Fatbaby boots

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly here is all ready for the roundup too, modeling beside my Fatbaby boots! * Do dogs need hoodies and little snow boots? Steve Dale offers some cold weather tips for your pet. * Did you see those adorable hedgehog...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Just too sleepy to help Mom.

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and Brooks are just too tired to contribute today. zzzzzz! * Would you pay $60 or more per night for a luxury vacation for your dog while you go away? What if it included cage free accommodations, plenty of play time and...