Wednesday Pet Roundup- small dogs, clunkers for cats

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! *Like small dogs? Quiz yourself-  can you name all 10 of Animal Planet’s Top 10 Kid-Friendly Small Dogs? (I got 8 out of 10.) *Monkey waiters, plumber ferrets, llama golf caddies…Mashable brings you 11 animals...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Snowdogs and Warm Cats

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! *It’s always nice when I can find something of interest in the sports my husband and son watch so much. Here, two playful retrievers stole the show for a bit was they wandered onto a soccer match in Turkey. I love how...

Pet Blogger Challenge – Paws to Reflect

Once again, Amy from Go Pet Friendly has put us to the task of reviewing our goals and achievements with the third annual pet blogger challenge.This is open to all pet bloggers, so grab the questions, put on your thinking cap, and join the linky! 1.  How long...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Best of lists

Hi and welcome to the first Wednesday Pet Roundup of the New Year! Brooks is enjoying the new year snow…or is he? * From The Week, here are 9 most newsworthy dogs of 2012. Some are heroes, some are funny, some are just being dogs. * Huff Post joins in with...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Comfort Dogs, Naughty Cats

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! * Not much to smile about when it comes to the recent tragedy, but nice to see how these therapy dogs helped some school children in Sandy Hook. * From Something Wagging This Way Comes, 5 Things Dogs Do that You Need to Learn....