Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! * Don’t forget, Friday is Take Your Dog to Work Day! Are you taking your pal with you? This year Dad might be taking Brooks along, if all goes well. (Kelly prefers working from home with me.) * Do you feed your dog or cat...

Wednesday Pet Roundup– Cinnamon Edition

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! This is my daughter’s cat, Cinnamon. Cinnamon loves looking out the apartment window. In the second picture, Cinnamon is checking out the Canadian Geese in the yard. And now, here are this week’s links: *If you...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly is sitting around waiting for the grass to grow.  And instead of watching the grass grow, how about checking out some of these newsy links? * According to Forbes, the average family spends more on their pets than on...

Wednesday Pet Roundup-

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly says stop and smell the tulips! Here are your links this week: * The Chicago Tribune brings us 5 Ways to save on Pet Costs. Can you guess any? * Grab a kleenex and read the ABC News report how this faithful dog stands by...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Butterfly Friend

Hi and Welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Here’s Kelly and a friend who stopped by for a visit. * Five retired Mine Detection Dogs from Iraq are getting new homes. Way to go Blek, Malyish, Miso, Nero and Rocky! * Mashable lists the top 10 puppies to follow on...