Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Brooks is showing you his favorite activity…playing fetch! Kelly is there on the sidelines, saying “What? Run? Why don’t you!” Here are your links for this week:
* I love seagulls, but apparently they’re not always welcome on public beaches. Seattle Times describe how dogs are helping keep beaches free from gulls (and their disease-prone droppings) off beaches.
* From the Chicago Tribune, Steve Dale wonders why dog friendly apartments are so difficult to find?
* Also from Steve Dale, meet a dog who can help track whales!
* The 7th annual surf dog surf-a-thon is this Sunday at Del Mar, California. The event raises awareness for homeless dogs and other dog benefits.
* On Life with Dogs, check out how this dog runs again on artificial legs.
How about you? Does your dog have a thing for seagulls, whales or surfing? Or just chasing tennis balls like Brooks?